Ms. Ellay




I'm back. Been in LA for over a week but my computer has been out of comission for 2 I'm writing on my kick until further notice.

I've had a lot on my mind lately tho. Comming home is always a stressful for me, its chaos all the way until I get on the plane, and then I feel free! No more stress or commitments. I had no boyfriend to leave or come home 2, no job in LA, and my apt will be there waiting for me when I return. So what do I have to worry about? Not much.

I just have to try NOT to make a move on my crush, try 2 find an internship, and dodge a few people who are making it really hard to move on from the past.

My only other problem is all the cutsey images I've been bombarded with lately. Weddings, bachelor parties, and bachelorette parties @ work, every movie is about love, weddings & babies (juno, baby mama, 27 dresses, forgetting sarah marshall) they make me want to settle down and be the girlfriend that I love to be. But on the other hand, my friends keep having boy issues and its not the best motivator. Everyone is being cheated on, breaking up, and then telling me about it. So where does that leave me? I'm a hopeless romantic disguised as a bitter black woman. Fun times.

On a brighter note, todays schedule consists of cleaning up, getting my nails done, going 2 the grove, watching movies, and then a house party where I plan on being drunk!
If u would like 2 come drink with me, come 2 5515 onacrest dr. Tonight! $1 shots allllll night! Yum!

1 comment:

Purp. said...

lol. you alchiiiiiiii you!!!!!! jk.

i know you're having SOOOO much fun at home!!!
see you in a month!
miss yooouuuu. (yes, i'm ALL homo for YOU, lauren.. buuuuhhhh-duuuuhhh). =)