Ms. Ellay



i actually have a topic for this one.


most people love dreaming, but i don't. for about a year i would hope that i had a dream free night. i kno taylor has wonderful dreams that inspire him & his films. thats never the case anymore. in 07 every time i would have a dream it would be related to the same situation that i just couldn't seem to get over. the main issue was, when i thought i had moved on, i would have a dream that would make me wake up in just as much pain as when i was going thru the situation. i'm finally over that thank goodness. but this week i've been having dreams. they weren't all bad, in fact one was awesome but the others weren't, they've been all over the place. lately i have been dreaming about celebrities, ex best friends, best friends, enemies, enemies of my best friends, and other random things that make me wake up confuzzled. i would love to just have dreamless nights every night instead of my mind trying to interpret my day or tell me what my heart wants, or warn me of the future or whatever it is that dreams do.

oh yea! i finally got a job! yay

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