Ms. Ellay



tues night updates

yesterday was another redic, outta the norm day thats normal in my life. went to traffic school and then went to the PLASTICS sleepover. pina coladas, taboo, weed, movies, and those kids on campus you love to stare @ lol. it was jokes. refer to erins blog 2 see the pics....
oh yea and its SNOWING! its soo pretty outside.
in the mean time, i posted the LONGEST survey i've ever taken!

1. When was the last time you cried?
a few weeks ago.

2 Have you ever faked sick?
nope. i may have exaggerated a bit.

3 What was the last lie you said?
ummm im not sure.

4 Have you ever cried during a movie?
yep. i dont do that often tho.

5 Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off of?
mr. moss.

6 Have you ever danced in the rain?

7 Have you ever been drunk?

8 Have you ever tried drugs?
ummm....define drugs. lol.

9 Do you smoke?

10 What's the farthest you've ever gone on a dare?
ummm. i really don't remember.

11 What is your full name?
Lauren Amber Royal McDonald

12 What is your blood-type?
something positive lol

13 Have you ever been in a car accident?
yes i have. not fun.

14 How old were you when you recieved your first kiss?
i dont remember lol. i tend to block a lot of things out.

15 Who was your first kiss?
nobody important.

16 Have you ever had an online relationship?
heck no.

17 Have you ever had phone-sex?
what do i look like? a phone sex operator?

18 Have you ever been rejected by a crush?
yea. then i realized i could do better.

19 What is your favourite sport to play?
does tag count?

20 Have you ever made a prank phone call?
ha. yep. thats a throwback memory....

21 Have you ever said sjhnikr
say whaaaa???
that would be a no.

22 What's your favorite childhood memory?
umm barbies & hide & seek

23 Is there anything that you have done that you regret?
yea but im 97% over them now.

24 What do you want to be when you grow up?
me! only grown up.

25 What is your political persuassion?

26 Have you ever had cybersex?
psh. def. not.

27 Do you believe in g-d?
i believe in GOD.

28 Do you believe in love at first sight?
not yet.

29 Do you believe in karma?
of course i do!

30 Who was your first crush?
the first one i remember is Gerrard Turner.

31 Who do yo uhave a crush on?
thats for me to kno. and everyone i talk to on a regular basis.

32 How would you describe yourself?
the best person you will ever know. lol

33 What are you afraid of?
the dark.

34 Are you religious?

35 What does your screen name mean?
its an inside joke. erin thought i told this guy to call me "ms. royal if ya nasty"
i didn't say that tho. it was funny.

36 What person do you trust the most?

37 Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend?
tinnar. he was gorgeous. he looked like tyrese. yum.

38 What is the best compliment you have ever recieved?
"you're cute, sexy, smart, beautiful smile, great hair, long hair (ha ha ha don't cut it), stylish, funny, cool, personable, class, outgoing, make me feel good, make me smile, not boring, exciting, fun to be around, easy going, inviting eyes, give good hugs, not ghetto, mature, complimentary to me in a ton of ways, would be able to fit in in any group setting....all of that + stuff that i cannot articulate correctly"
yea that one still makes me smile.

39 What is the meanest thing anyone has said about you?
people say things about me on a daily, i stopped remembering the worst of it. the worst things to me are the things that aren't true.

40 What is the longest crush/relationship you have had?
ummm longest relationship was 5 months....longest crush???? probably years, i dont count crushes.

41 What is your greatest strength?
im loyal

42 What is your greatest weakness?
easily distracted

43 What is your perfect pizza?
bbq chicken...yum.

44 What is your first thought when waking up in the morning?
15 more mins

45 What is your first thought before you go to bed?
i dunno

46 What college do you want to go to?
psh i wanna graduate!

47 Do you get along with your family?
yea...i don't bother them and they don't bother me lol.

48 Do you play any instruments?
not really.

49 What kind of music do you like?
rap, r&b, hip hop, pop, alternative.... everything but country.

50 Do you think you're attractive?

51 Would you ever get a tattoo?

52 How many piercings do you have?
4.....going on 7

53 Who makes you laugh?
everyone....yes everyone.

54 Who would you want to be tied to for 24hours?
tyson beckford.

55 Have you ever seen a dead body?
thank goodness no.

56 Do you have a celebrity crush?
tyrese, usher, tyson, CB.

57 What is one thing scientists should invent?
either a computer that types what u think orrrr a pill that makes u lose weight exactly where u want to lose in like a week.

58 Have you ever broken a bone?

59 What happens after you die?
u stop living.

60 Do you watch or read the news?
yep. yesterday i watched the news in spanish with erin.

61 What stereotype would you label yourself as being?
i dont fit any stereotype. but ppl think im PLASTIC

62 Would your friends agree with that stereotypic label?
haha yea! they have it too! lol

63 If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
i am happy with the name i was born with
Lauren Amber Royal

64 If you could go back in time to one point in your life, where would you go
elementary school. everything was so fun and care free.

65 If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?
hmmm. i just wanna lose 15 lbs. im happy about everyhting else.

66 Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
not yet. but im gonna be in mexico for a week....who knows

67 Have you ever played strip poker?
haha timmaaay wanted to play last thurs.....we told him no.

68 Would you ever lie to someone to make them feel good about themselves?
umm depends on the lie.

69 What do you want your friends to think about you?
i just want them to be as real with me as i am with them, regardless of what they think of me.

70 Whats the biggest argument you've ever gotten into?
i dunno. i try not to argue too much, but the few times i do, its kinda a big deal.

71 HAve you ever bitten someone?
innocent until proven guilty....haha

72 When's your birthday?

73 Have you ever stolen anything?
eh. i may have taken someone's breath away when i walked into a room. jk.
that was cheesy.

74 Do you make wishes on shooting stars?
every time.

75 Whats the most you've ever eaten in one sitting?
we gets busy. yes. that IS my answer.

76 If you could go back and change one day, what would it be?
imelda's birthday bbq in 2005.

77 Do you remember your dreams?
ugh. i rarely remember the good ones.

78 Have you ever been in love?
not yet.

79 Are you a morning person or a night person?

80 Do you have any phobias?
your mom.

81 What's the meanest thing you've ever done to someone?
me? do something mean??? thats crazy talk.

82 Have you ever been to the hospital (other then birth)?
yep. a few weeks ago.

83 How many screen names do you have?
2 aim, 1 msn, 1 yahoo.

84 Do any medical problems run in your family?

85 Have anyone ever been disowned from your family?
not that i know of.

86 Have you ever had a nightmare?
yep. last year i had a nightmare about the same thing all year, every night for weeks and it gradually slowed down.

87 Do you say meaner things to your friends or your enemies?
i say mean things to my friends about my enemies.
but i gave that mean stuff up for lent so neither.

88 Would you ever participate in a threesome?
im really it would have to be with angelina jolie, jessica alba or stacy dash
all other females are never getting touched or allowed to touch me in any lezbo way.

89 Would you ever pay for a prostitute?

90 Have you ever mooned or flashed someone?
theres no proof so it never happened.

91 Have you ever cheated on your bf/gf?
yep. and then i broke it off.

92 Have you ever laughed so hard you peed in your pants?
nope. i dont get THAT drunk.

93 Have you ever written a love letter?
yep. 4 pages. with a mix CD attached. and sealed with a kiss. im a sap.

94 Have you ever attempted suicide?
hell no. i think suicide is selfish.

95 Do you prefer boxers or briefs?
boxer briefs.

96 Have you ever been in a fistfight?
do i look like the fighting type?

97 Do you have any hidden talents?

98 What is one thing you want me to know about you?
who are u? and why do i want you 2 kno things about me?

99 What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask?
i wouldn't say that! dur.

100 Do you usually prefer books or movies?

101 Who is your favorite person to talk to?
my boobulah. there are others but he's the #1 go to person

102 Who is always able to cheer you up when you're sad?
my boobulah.

103 Would you ever have sex before marriage?
im trying not to have sex.....celibacy is the key to happiness.

104 Who do you talk to most on the phone?
umm its a mix of people.

105 Do you have a secret that yo'ure ashamed of?
everyone has secrets.

106 Do you prefer british or american spelling of words?
as long as i can read it, i dont mind. grey and gray, color and colour, etc etc.

107 Have you ever gotten detention?
yep. i was NEVER on time to homeroom! i HATED detention with mr. Robinson!

108 How do you vent your anger?
i drive fast, vent to brandon, ashley, my mom, my dad, my roomies or my clones, or i eat ice cream.

109 Have you ever been on a diet?
yep. it never lasts long tho.

110 Would you ever date someone younger than you? Older than you?
been there, done that.

111 Is your best friend a virgiN?
one of em is.

112 What's a rumor someone has spread about you?
so many rumors, so little time.

113 What's the kinkiest thing you could ever actually see yourself as doing?
a better question is, what could be so kinky that i wouldn't try it @ least once?
not sayin im a hoe, but i AM a scorpio....

114 What's the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you?
ugh. it doesn't need to be repeated.

115 What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?
umm there have been a plethora of nice things...aki bought me a giant balloon for valentines day! thats the most recent nice thing i can think of.

116 Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness?
heck no! im perfectly sane.

117 Have you ever cut yourself on purpose?
hell no!

118 Have you ever wanted to murder someone?
not murder, just the usual, hit with a car, a bus, a train, a plane....

119 Have you ever hated someone?
yea but i let it go.

120 Do you prefer talking on the phone or online?
i like to talk. period.

121 Do you consider yourself popular?
haha. popular would mean that the people @ my school like me rii? then thats a no.

122 Would you ever tell the person you have a crush on that you like them?
if they told me first.

123 Have you ever had a crush on an enemy?

124 Have you ever had a crush on a best friend?
yep. thats a bad idea. take my advice.

125 What is your favourite book?
too many to name.

126 Do you have a collection of anything?
shoes, books, nicknames.....

127 Are you happy with the person you are becoming?
yep. i love meee.

128 Are you a different person now then you were 5 years ago?
yes. 5 years ago i was 14, i was chunkier, i couldn't dress, my eyebrows were caveman-esque, and i was totally different.

129 What do you see yourself as being in 5 years from now?
happy & successful

130 Are you happy with the life you have?
yep. things are looking up!

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