Ms. Ellay



valentines night.

pretty regular day.

went to school.

ran some errands.

came home.

i didn't eat as much sugar as i wanted to, but i DID wear red lol.
aki gave me a balloon! and we gave erin one that talks!
(go to her blog to see pics of HER balloon)

i was supposed 2 go out, but SOMEBODY works to much, so my valentines day plans are yet again postponed. in the meantime, i took a survey!

oh and we got aki to take pictures with us! yay

1. Is there somebody in your life that you could not survive with out?

where's 3?

2. Who is the most beautiful person you know?
all my friends are gorgeous. inside & out.

4. Is there someone you know you should hate, but you can't?
no its the reverse for me, there are people i shouldn't hate and i'm trying really hard not to.

5. Do you like someone as more than a friend right now?
maybeeeee ;-)

6. What does your 8th text say and who is it from?
"yeah, and take the medication they gave me. and you knw wht they asked?? have u been kissing in a girl? lol"

7. How often do you talk to this person?
umm we talk on random occasions.

8. Have you ever lost anybody close to you?
yes. more than one person.

9. Is there anyone you trust even though you should not?
not anymore.

10. Ever given your all to someone who walked away?
ugh. yes. twice to the same person.

11. Relationship or Hook-Up?

12. Few close friends or many acquaintances?
close friends.

13. Ever had your heart broken?

14. Ever broken somebody else's?
i dont think so.

15. Ever love someone that wasn't good for you?
thats why my heart got broken. duh.

16. How's your heart lately?
its almost completely healed.

17. What was the last song you listened to?
boss-rick ross f. t-pain

18. What did you do yesterday?
nothing at all. it was awesome.

19. Who is your most religious friend?
im gonna say winterbourne.

20. Who do you trust with your life?
my mom & my best friends

21. If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
the name i was born with.

22. What do you hate about your Job?
i have nowhere to sit.

23. Would you move to another country to be with the one you love?

24. Name two things you would not tolerate in a relationship?
lack of attention & being a whore.

25. Which one of your friends do you think would make a good prostitute?

26. Are you afraid of falling in love?

27. Would you stop talking to your friends because you hooked up with a new person?
no. i might not see them AS often, but i wouldn't stop talking 2 them.

28. What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future?

29. Shoe size?
10. i'm 5'9 so i cant have itty bitty feet. that would look wierd.

30. What are you wearing right now?
jeans & tank tops.

31. Righty or Lefty?

32. Favorite juice?
white cranberry strawberry. yum.

33. Have you had the chicken pox?
yep. 2nd grade.

34. Have you had a sore throat?
yea, like 2 weeks ago.

35. Ever been in a fight with your pet?
a fight with my pet? i used to play fight with my dog, but thats it.

whats up 36?
its gone!

37. What are your plans for the weekend?
none yet. probably gonna party like a college student.

38. Are you a forgiving person?
yes. but i don't forget. and i hold grudges from time to time.

39. Are you talking to someone while doing this?
kinda. i'm invading erin's room till her boo gets here.

40. What school plays were you part of in school?
ummmm. i think it was called the calico cat??? i don't remember much about it. and i used to do church plays for Christmas.

41. Are you younger than 20?

42. Have you ever kissed someone who¹s name starts with a J?
ugh. yes.

43. Do you have a crush on someone?

44. Do you like winter?
NO! after New Years i'm back in Lameville where its Anti-warm.

45. Do you like parties?

46. Do you like fruit?
sounds like yum.

47. How clean is your room?
pretty clean for once.

48. What are you excited for?
cheap candy tomorrow!

49. Things you first notice about the opposite sex?

50. Do you like talking on the phone?
yep. i just like to talk. lol.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey wifey uve been long lost for ages I miss u lauren mcdoodle