Ms. Ellay



4 days left.

i refuse to let someone else's pettiness/ issues/ depression/ anger/ etc. to indirectly affect me and my happiness. i believe everyone has their days, even weeks, but i wont let you slide for a month on anything other than the loss of a CAREER or a death of someone near to you.
i'm not the confrontational type, but there's only so much that i can let go before you either get cussed out or simply cease to exist. both reactions usually result in a swift termination of friendship.
that's just how i feel. if people keep trying to bring me down with them, i wont get mad or depressed like others, i will simply get rid of the negative influence.
remember kids, you probably need me more than i need you.

back to studying....


T said...

your not the confrontational type?? rolls eyes haha

ms.ellay said...

im not! when have i ever started a serious argument with someone in ur presence?