Ms. Ellay



its cold, its sunday, these are my thoughts.

i woke up this morning with a feeling of impending doom.
(mayb i watch too much greys)
it makes me want to lock myself in my room for the rest of the week without contact with the outside world.
times are changing in wonderful ways and its scary.
we have a black president and i just filled up my gas tank, from E to FULL, with 27 dollars. that has never happened in to me since i started driving.
mayb the myans were right an the world is going to end soon.
all i know is if it is, i don't wanna waste time being depressed like my surroundings are influencing me to be.
carpe diem.

6 days till my birthday!


Jervis said...

hey!!!!,my name is chris,I was surfing the site and stumbled across your blog,I figured to follow.But anyway... we're on the same boat,I noticed the change in the way life has been since last week tuesday. You just wanna take a day for yourself, be secluded and get your thoughts together.Feels like life is moving too fast sometimes. I feel ya!!!!, GET AQUAINTED,god bless

Jervis said...

thanks for getting back to me,lol.yeh man my taste for music is quite juicy,i'll have u wait to read yurr upcoming posts,god bless

Janeen said...

I;m soo with him.. and you.. don't dwell on the past mama. LIVE LIFE!! I been trying to make those changes in my life as well.. take care