Ms. Ellay



ending the life of a MG

i always have so much to say but no way to say them. the whole point of a blog is self expression, but as my twin once said " i don't kno how to start the hi". theres always so much to do and so many things going thru my mind. but the only way to start the hi is to say hi, so i might as well get it over with.
i wouldn't have guessed that moving to nashville would put me in contact with so many fake people, esp since im from LA. i can fake it with the best of em, but why would i want to?
in LA it makes sense, you act nice to get what u need, to network, thats it. out here it seems like you just have to be fake. and i dont see the point of that. and i feel like the longer im out here, the longer i have to pretend. im just ready to be real. i feel like Kanye in Pinocchio story. at the end of the day i would rather be real, not mean, and not have to pretend that i am friends with people im not friends with or that i like people that i wouldn't have had contact with in any other situation. but i kno im gonna need the votes in the near future. its only a year. Luckily i do have a handful of people i can be real with, all the time. and they are stuck in this fake world with me. plus i have people outside of fakeville who keep me sane.

1 comment:

Purp. said...

i couldn't have said it better myself!!!