Ms. Ellay



it aint trickin if you got it.

so this weekend i was a complete laze.
i got a few things accomplished tho
i FINALLY unpacked.
i pseudo reorganized my room/closets.
had some friends over.
and watched the other boleyn girl with my roommate.
the movie had me thinking about some things.
as much as i love the romantic ideas that stemmed from this era as well as the lavish fashions, the concept of being a second class citizen was blowin my mind.
the idea of not being able to marry whom you want, and if you are able to marry who you want, you can be forced to have sex with another man by some other mann and then you have to talk about it in front of all these men?!?! woah!
its crazy what women were forced to do back then. you could try to go after the power or after love and neither one could be the path that you are allowed to continue down.
i know so many girls who are gold diggers on the low. it sounds so appealing but i've never felt right using guys for money.
as nice as new clothes, trips, and money seem, i'm not gonna have sex for power. im celibate so im not having sex for anything. lol
if it works for you, go for it.
as for me, im happy with providing for myself, working and making my own money.
if a nice guy wants to take me out to eat, who am i to deny him? lol but im not gonna pick my guys based off of material things. it rarely ends well.
well im rambling and i have class in the morning
so im gonna leave you with another youtube video.


Anonymous said...

You are WRONG for posting that fuckery!!!!

He is too queen for that song!! *snaps for the kids*!!!!

ms.ellay said...

lmao i couldnt resist. low key he sounds like the lion from the wizard of oz when he's not hitting the high notg hating tho....*snap, snap*

Jervis said...

hahahahaa,huuuuhhh????. it aint trickin if u got it. 135 huh?

T said...

tuck em tuck em tuck em even if they celibate hahaha your marriage is gonna be funny, I remember that dude that said "I want you to be the mother of my children" smh