Ms. Ellay



im back.

sorry ive been MIA....thats kinda how it goes when i go home sometimes. my dad broke my plug for my computer so not only would it not hold a charge, it could barely get one. the break was busy and not as fun as i would have liked it to have been. i didnt spend nearly enough quality time with the people i care about or shopping so i only slightly raised my happiness level. i was able to make a video blog with taylor a few weeks ago so go check his blog for those over at

i missed my flight on my way back because of missing keys which i found last night (yes i somehow brought them with me to nashville).

with the new semester and the new year things are changing and i hope for the good.
unfortunately for some i may forgive but i dont forget so even though people are clearly making a valid effort to change some circumstances, things will never be the same between us.

on the other side of things, i kinda wanna take a step back with someone and i dont know how to do it. its not that they did anything wrong, they are always their honest loving self, i just think that we arent what the other one needs at the moment. and it sucks.

im trying really hard not to curse any more and im trying to be healthier in every aspect. i hope everyone had a merry Christmas, a happy new year, and that school starts off the right way.
time for me to host a meeting. ttyl

1 comment:

T said...

lmao your dad kicked that shit over and then didnt tell you, I was dying at that