Ms. Ellay




i kno i dont post all the time.
what i have to say isnt always interesting.
or nice.
or funny.
and it doesnt always come out right.
or make me look cool.
but this is me.
thats all ive ever been.
sometimes im more censored and sometimes im less censored.
sometimes my days are so full that i have no time to blog.
other times my days are so boring, i have nothing to blog about.
im sorry if you followed me expecting something different.
i blog for my benefit and not yours.
i still love you tho!


Elle said...

This made me laugh out loud. I like a blunt bitch!! Lol..

Check out the blog homie..

Eb the Celeb said...

Its all good!

Anonymous said...

Not a lot of people are original,
and your content is. Don't worry about what others want to read here, keep it real as always.
Be You.
