Ms. Ellay



I'm sneaky

most people who meet me can tell that they don't wanna cross me because they can tell im capable of things. i'm a scorpio, i'm quick witted, jealous, and creative. i try not to use my powers for evil but people keep trying to push me to the dark side! here i am trying to be a good friend, trying to be nice, trying to stop cursing, and trying to be successful and females cant help but get mad over nothing! why are you so concerned with what im doing?!?
this happens to me too much for it to be a considence!
the thing is i don't expect EVERYONE to like me.
but i'm not a fake person and i appreciate it when the people i dislike/ those who dislike me, don't try to pretend like we're best friends. my #1 enemy and I really cant stand each other and if given the opportunity, on the right day, we could do some serious damage, but we have learned to co-exist peacefully and try to avoid each other. this fake bull crap that happens to people i USED to call my close friends is dumb. im not going to call you or run up and hug you when i see you because i kno that you were lying about me, talking ish, and/or plotting against me behind my back. im a PRO when it comes to catching the signs of the fake friend. i don't kno what brings it on, or what ive done to offend you, in the past its been over something dumb...a boy that they like, likes me or my hair is longer than theirs so they call me concieted etc etc but this just doesn't make sense.
yet again i'm thankful for those of you who are truthful and don't try to front. friendship is a two way street and i don't wanna use you or be used by you.
if any of my ex friends or fake friends are reading this and want to come clean, go for it. i promise it wont hurt my feelings.

1 comment:

Jervis said...

'your it' - check my blog for the tagged post :)