Ms. Ellay



they smile in your face...

I try not to hate people, but I still can't help but hate the things people continue to do.

I hate when people treat others differently because of situations their other friend has going on with the person.
If we were/are friends, don't let something that doesn't affect you, affect us. We all probably did this in high school...but since I'm in my 3rd year of college, I've grown out of that foolishness and I hope most of my friends have too. That being said, don't expect me to dislike someone simply because you don't like them.

Another issue, why are some people only your friend in large groups? I don't understand how to be considered a friend if we aren't really friends...aquantiance mayb, but not a friend. A friend is someone whom I can go to with a question/issue without worrying about being judged and they should feel comfortable to do the same.

These realizations have let me realize who my friends really are. Its great when u kno who ur friends are, but it sucks when u have to face who your friends aren't. At the end of the day, I've never had a hard time making friends and losing some of these people who have ben masquerading as friends of mine can't hurt me.

I guess I should start to pay more attn in class....ttyl

P.S. I finally stayed on topic! Yay me


Jervis said...

man this post was REAL,opened my mind to some things

Anonymous said...

DOPE!!! AND TRUTH! Girl...preach!

Janeen said...

I must say.. this is so true.. i have cut down my friends to a minimum due to previous situations such as the whole "large" group one...