Ms. Ellay




i don't kno about anyone else but one of my biggest pet peeves is when people are flakes. it really pisses me off. i may be late, but i always go to the places i say i will. i don't understand why people make plans and then don't even consider letting someone kno that they changed their mind. its an issue. its happening way to often and it needs to be addressed. i'm not talking about saying you're going to a party, i mean those one on one meetings and outings with friends that you just never show up for. all of a sudden you forgot how to answer the phone and cant be reached while that person is waiting on you. i understand that we all have emergencies, we lose phones, and situations arise where we cant be where we need to, but if this is something you are doing on a regular basis, mayb you should think about why you keep doing it. because the people you leave waiting for no good reason wont wait forever, soon you wont be invited because they figure you will just not show up...the point is don't think you're irreplaceable. because i have replaced too many people to kno that you aren't.


Anonymous said...


I call them Charlie Brown.....Wishy Washy...:)

ms.ellay said...

lol thats a good one

Purp. said...

or they possess "flop capabilities?" lol. thank you, uva.

ms.ellay said...

"this is a standard in the industry" lmao