Ms. Ellay



what a concept.

some people are good concepts. yes i meant concepts. they look great on paper and seem to have great attributes to comment on, but the actual application doesn't quite work. on the other hand, there are people who aren't such a great concept. you stumble when trying to come up with some standard good qualities to talk about, and yet they work.
i've been roped into a few concepts in the past.
the guy who had good grades in high school, played sports, nice car, and a good job. he is really a jerk with confusing motives and even more confusing conversation. sure he's cute enough but why settle for cute enough without the personality?
there is the friend who seems to have it all. cute clothes, looks put together, boys chasing after her, and funny. but then you look a little deeper and notice all these traits that dont work in friendship... insecure, jealous of you based off that insecurity, a little crazy, lying, and whoring herself out. its like there was a double life and you didnt kno there was another person under that mask.
am i talking about someone specific? of course. all my insights are based off of experience. but there are more than one experiences coming into play here.
the good thing is, after you get over the concepts, you start to appreciate the people who aren't concepts. those friends who don't seem to have it all together, the guys who are still working on themselves.
too often we are looking for people to fit these concepts that society tells us we need in our lives.
its not that simple.
personally its the quirky ones that make me happiest. its the people who don't pretend to have it all together that i find are the realest. they aren't so concerned with the image they project and instead are concerned with being true to themselves. the ones who look good on paper are just like paper; 2 dimensional and at the first sign of resistance, they fly away.


Anonymous said...

100. I was nodding my head was this whole post. I know somebody just like this, in fact I used to be like this....:)

Jervis said...

"its the people who don't pretend to have it all together that i find are the realest. they aren't so concerned with the image they project and instead are concerned with being true to themselves. the ones who look good on paper are just like paper; 2 dimensional and at the first sign of resistance, they fly away"--

imma get this on a plaque and hang it up on my wall,and put ms.ellay at the end

ms.ellay said...

glad u liked it. this was the first on topic post ive made in a long gonna try to continue to give my random insight on issues with people.

Jay1 said...

those are really interesting points.