Ms. Ellay



love love love.

although i don't have a valentine (since Erin doesn't wanna b my valentine) i still love the holiday. i really just like all holidays. i love to celebrate. boys are stupid but it doesn't mean that with some guidance they cant be good for something on this holiday. so remember boys, it really is the thought that counts. balloons, flowers, cards, candy. all of these simple cheap things can brighten someones valentines day. who knows, you might get lucky with the right combo/girl. for those of you who aren't going to give into the holiday, there will be plenty of things for anti-valentines day people. and for those of you who are alone but still want to be all sentimental, round up your single friends and have a movie night with snacks and desserts! i don't kno what i'm gonna get into for valentines day, but i'm young, single, and its on the weekend so anything is possible. eh now i'm rambling like always so i better do some work. happy Sunday!


Purp. said...

hahaaaa.... okay okay. FINE! if i must! lol. we're each others valentine. happy?

now go buy me some white chocolate vanilla strawberries! lol jk. =) (no but forreal, we have to find some so we can start this valentine's day off right, no homo)

ms.ellay said...

yoo can we go to a fondu restaurant? i kno of one in nashville that i've wanted to go to since last year...